Our Curriculum
Each pupil is valued in her own right and every effort is made to ensure that they receive the academic support they need.
Our academic system is directed at producing young people according to a specific profile drawn from the characteristics of a Mercy Education. It seeks to equip them for the varied needs of the ever-changing world in which we live. The school provides a wide range of subjects and a highly qualified and well-motivated teaching staff.
All pupils must pursue five or six years of study, sitting for the Junior Certificate after three years, then taking the Transition Year by choice, and finally a further two years for Leaving Certificate. In general, classes are not streamed. Consistently high achievement by pupils in both Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate indicates high motivation and good organisation on the part of both pupils and staff.
PLC Enrolment
Below is the enrolment form for students who wish to continue with a PLC Course. Please fill in all necessary details to ensure enrolment is done swiftly and efficiently.
Mercy College Sligo – PLC Course Enrolment Form (2018)